What is ultra fast fashion?

the growing Fast fashion problem.

Do you ever wonder how some clothing brands manage to sell items at insanely cheap prices? It turns out, ultra fast fashion is the cause of all the new clothing that is only used once or never used. Just because there is an increasing demand for this clothing doesn’t make this fashion approach okay.

Fast fashion is the production of low-quality and low-priced items primarily based on China that fly off the rack, according to the current trend. Even though some people expected for the continuation of fast fashion to slowly decrease, it has gone in the opposite direction, becoming ultra fast fashion. Ultra fast fashion is the same thing as fast fashion, except with faster sales and production, as well as increasingly cheap prices. Brands such as SHEIN and Cider constantly create new items with approximately two thousand new items a day. According to the Clean Clothes Campaign, three out of five of these garments will end up in a landfill within a year. But how does this really impact the world?

Ultra fast fashion products are made from synthetic fabrics such as nylon, polyester, and acrylic. These items are often used to create cheap, low quality and quick to produce products. People who work for these companies are often treated poorly and are at risk of being exposed to toxic chemicals from the clothing. Also, workers that make the clothing are mostly not paid fair wages. According to Business Insider, “Workers who make clothes sold on SHEIN get as little as four cents for each item they make.” Plus, the factories burn fossil fuels, which emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 

By cutting these corners on worker treatment and the environment, they can sell products for very cheap prices and more people are lured to buy more cheap clothing, ultra fast fashion becomes more harmful. People post social media on how they buy and open these products, which attracts watchers to do the same, even when the products are only used once or never.

Perhaps a way to solve this problem is if the government can ban the increasing production of fast fashion companies overall. Although the usage of plastic based fabric is still occurring, we can take this one step at a time. First by slowing the production of these clothes, hopefully, this will make the consumers pause and stop buying the new styles. With the government’s help, wegear toward having fast fashion massively decrease, one step at a time.


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