World’s First Circular Department Store, TOMO

make sustainable retail the new normal

Clothing industry-related pollution has been getting worse in the past decade. Fast fashion leaves massive toxic waste and pollutes our planet. As well as creating a poor labor environment for workers. Knowing that, I decided to wear second hand, or homemade organic products. I support companies which are honest about their products and produce sustainable fashion products which will hopefully last generations. When I read this article, I thought this is like a dream land for people who care about Earth AND fashion.

Founder and CEO Marjan Haselhoff came up with this amazing circular department store called TOMO. The first branch will open in the Netherlands in September 2022. 

The shelves will be lined with sustainable goods such as vintage clothing, personal care products, household products, second-hand and fashion rentals. The store will prioritize brands which use recycled products and sustainable materials. They will offer to collect recyclable products and will also offer repair workshops. 

Most fashion companies never think about what will happen after a consumer no longer needs the products. I feel like this store treats products like living things. The products have a lifespan and their job is to extend that to be as long as possible. 

Their goal is to make sustainable shopping accessible to everyone. Customers can enjoy the fashion, art and lifestyle but at the same time they can contribute to a better world. The name comes from ‘forever taking care of TOMOrrow’ and also, the Japanese word TOMO which means friendship. The message tells you that the people who buy these products care about each other like friends. 

They will also have an online store. I am not able to afford high-end products and I am too small to wear this beautiful clothing yet… But I am very much looking forward to trying this store in the future once I am old enough. 


A Global Reuse Ecosystem,Loop


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