As Arctic Ice Melts, Methane Comes Out 

Have you ever heard the word 'permafrost'?

'Permafrost' contains the words “permanent” and “frost”. That should mean that that ice is permanent, right? The Oxford English Dictionary defines permafrost as “a thick subsurface of soil that remains frozen throughout the year, occurring chiefly in polar regions”. 

Permafrost has been frozen in the arctic for 11,000 years. However due to recent climate change, that same permafrost has been melting.

I used to think melted permafrost was just melted ice that had been “stored” for ages. And not really a big deal. But once I learned more about the topic, I figured out it’s actually something far more serious.

Permafrost stores large amounts of methane. When marine life dies and sinks to the seafloor it gets buried for decades. The decomposing process of these organic materials slowly builds up methane. The ice serves as a lid covering that methane.

Since the ice is melting, it then begins to release methane into our atmosphere and the amount rapidly increases as time passes.

Suggestions, anyone? At this point, there is nothing I can think of to stop the methane from being released. Who knows what might happen in our future? The best thing now might be for countries to prioritize climate change rather than politics and wars. And for us too. Let’s prioritize the climate fight!


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