Whales’ and Dolphins’ Mass Stranding 

They are trying to tell us something and we need to listen

Historically, whales have been getting stranded throughout human history, but now it has become more likely to happen. For now, no one knows what is causing it, but we can guess based on current information.

Recently, scientists discovered POP's (or persistent organic pollutants), which have been affecting ocean animals. POP's are toxic chemicals used as a pesticide or insecticides that affect humans and the environment. When POP's break down they become harmful particles and spread across oceans just like micro plastics. Then, bacteria comes and swallows POP's. Next, shrimp or a fish will swallow the bacteria. This goes on and on until a whale or any other ocean animal that is at the top of the food chain comes to eat those fish. Since that animal has a lot of fat in its body, POP's get absorbed into the fat. However, POP's aren't the only thing getting absorbed into whales’ fat. PCB's (Polychlorinated biphenyls) create the same problem. These chemicals are no longer allowed according to the Stockholm Convention, but they still exist. POP's and PCB's are only a few of the harmful particles which cause environmental problems in the oceans. The production and new uses of PCB are banned, and Parties to the Stockholm Convention must eliminate the use of PCBs in equipment by 2025 to ensure the environmentally sound waste management of liquids containing PCB and equipment contaminated with PCB by 2028.

Why the whales get stranded is still a mystery, but we can make guesses. I think that this is because the whales that have POP's get weak immune systems, leading to sickness, causing them to get stranded. (Of course there are so many other reasons ocean animals get weakened immune systems due to human activities) Since whales live in groups, they help each other when one is hurt or sick. The other whales come to try and help the stranded whale and also get stranded causing large groups of whales to die.

Another guess I have is that the cetacean family could be killing themselves intentionally because there are dangerous chemicals in the water and they sense that something is not right - so they would rather die than suffer.

I think that if we inform enough people about the dangers of these chemicals we can create a group to boycott harmful pesticides. Then, we might be able to prevent farms and factories from using the chemicals and keep the oceans clean. Let's make a difference fast, before it’s too late. 


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