My Name is dodo bird

Hello, I’m Dodo the Bird! AND I am flightless. MAYBE YOU CAN LEARN SOMETHING FROM ME…

I have small wings but I am bigger than a turkey! Oh well, I didn’t need to fly when I was alive. I only exist in fairy tales and children’s movies nowadays…

I am from Mauritius Island near the Indian Ocean. I had lots of animal and bug friends and there were no predators to worry about until… Until humans came to the island by boat. It was around the 1500's. At first, I thought they were going to live with us like family. They were with other animals such as dogs, pigs and mice! It’s my nature to welcome them all but they were not the same way as we were. 

The domestic animals they brought were killing our babies eggs! And they killed us for food. I try to understand that they didn’t know the value of living things which are native to the land and they needed to eat something in order for them to survive. But, there is a limit to everything. And humans went over the limit and we all abruptly died within 100 years since humans arrived. 

If they had respect for nature, I believe this wouldn't have happened. 

Here I am, only existing in books and fairy tales, trying hard to live inside of people’s hearts by teaching balance and respect for nature. There are so many other animals, plants, and insects facing these problems just like me. 

Oh! At last, can everybody not use the expression “Dumb as a dodo”? I don’t think I was dumb! I was just fearless because I had believed all living things have a warm heart. 

Don’t you think?


Just a kid


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